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8 days ago

Pleasurable Poisons - A Look behind the labels of processed foods


Some might be horrified to realize the hidden dangers behind many of the additives in their foods, chemical cocktails design to make food pleasurable by actually are often poisonous substances that we often pay the ultimate price ingesting.

Hidden food additives pose serious risks to your health, often lurking in everyday foods without you even realizing it. These artificial ingredients can disrupt your body’s natural balance, leading to long-term health problems that are easily avoidable. Here are the top 5 reasons to eliminate artificial ingredients from your diet:

  1. Protects Against Chronic Diseases: Many additives have been linked to conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
  2. Supports Gut Health: Artificial ingredients can harm your digestive system, leading to issues like bloating and poor nutrient absorption.
  3. Enhances Natural Energy: Removing artificial additives helps your body function more efficiently, boosting your energy levels.
  4. Reduces Allergic Reactions: Some additives can trigger allergies and sensitivities, causing discomfort and inflammation.
  5. Improves Mental Clarity: Cutting out artificial ingredients can reduce brain fog and enhance cognitive function, helping you think clearly and feel your best.

Join Kameron as he takes you on a visual journey through grocery store shelves pointing out and showing ingredients you have not have known about.

Awareness is the first step to making better choices for cleaning foods and better health!


Kameron Tarry

Kameron Tarry

Nutritional Educator

Kameron Tarry has more than 28 years of nature health experience, mentored by Dr. Michael O'Brien and watching his mother overcome terminal Lupus when everyone had given up on her.