Avena Originals
Avena Originals
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1 day ago

The Missing Link - A Story of Enzymes


Here is an interest fact, before the destruction of enzymes, we typically only had one diet, as soon as we transitioned to industry food supplies and the complete removal of enzymes from our food, we started searching for different diets as we felt we were missing something.

What if the missing enzymes which is is all types of diets is the single most important aspect to our food and why our modern diets don't provide the level of energy, health and vitality we feel they should?

  • Learn what Enzymes are?
  • Why they might be the most important nutrient!
  • How we destroy them with everyday practices
  • See a live demonstration of enzymes working
  • Unlock the secrets to incredible digestion and renewed energy!


Kameron Tarry

Kameron Tarry

Nutritional Educator

Kameron Tarry has more than 28 years of nature health experience, mentored by Dr. Michael O'Brien and watching his mother overcome terminal Lupus when everyone had given up on her.