Bedrock Learning
Bedrock Learning
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about 20 hours ago

Curriculum rocket fuel: unleashing the power of language (TEA)


We are launching the new Transforming Education Alliance and we want you to be part of it. On 15th October, join us and leading educational voice, Mary Myatt, to discuss what will be vital this academic year. Everything we do is part of our mission to transform lives through inspirational teaching, powerful technology and a focus on literacy as a bedrock of education.

This inspirational & thought-provoking session which will equip you to transform your curriculum and develop your classroom practices. Mary is a leading voice in educational leadership and curriculum design - don't miss her exclusive insights.



Aaron Leary

CEO & Founder

From a young age, Aaron was captivated by start-ups and innovative commercial ventures, launching his first non-profit project at 15. Aaron’s teaching experience solidified his conviction that every child deserves a quality education, no exceptions. He has constantly experimented with pedagogical strategies, fervently aiming to empower his students as articulate and self-assured communicators. He observed how diverse methodologies enabled his students to express their thoughts compellingly. This realisation fuelled his desire to make a substantial impact on education.

Mary Myatt

Mary Myatt

Keynote speaker

Mary is an education adviser, writer and speaker. She trained as an RE teacher and is a former local authority adviser and inspector. Drawing on her work with pupils, teachers and leaders she writes and speaks about learning, leadership and the curriculum.

She has worked in small schools, for large trusts, national and international organisations. Her education philosophy is underpinned by several principles: that all children deserve rich demanding work, that high quality talk underpins learning, that human beings are curious and that they find deep work very satisfying.