Directors’ Liabilities – are you protecting your workforce, your business and yourself?

Directors’ Liabilities – are you protecting your workforce, your business and yourself?
This SHEP webinar is designed to raise awareness of the responsibilities held by Company Directors, and where liability sits in the event of an accident or incident.
This free webinar will include presentations from Professor Kevin Bampton, LLB FCMI FRSA FHEA - CEO of the British Occupational Hygiene Society, and Martin Giles, HM Inspector of Health and Safety for the HSE.
**Why Employee Health management will become 2025’s number one corporate risk **
Kevin Bampton will take a deep dive into significant changes in law and policy on workplace health. He will highlight developments that will significantly affect the financial wellbeing of companies in 2025, as well as forcing them to have a rethink about how workplace health is framed within the corporate risk register. He will highlight how SMEs can implement more effective management of corporate risk at a time when managing employee health is going to be critical to business sustainability.
What happens when it goes wrong?
Martin Giles will explain what the current law is – Corporate and Gross Negligence Manslaughter, and Director’s duties under HSWA s37. He will give examples of investigations and prosecutions that he has personally been involved in to provide insight into what can happen from a legal perspective in the event of an accident or incident in the workplace.

Directors’ Liabilities – are you protecting your workforce, your business and yourself?