Mastering BIM Collaboration: Top-Five Workflows

Managing complex design and construction projects means juggling data from many sources and maintaining team alignment—a real challenge!
Join us and see how modern teams handle five critical workflows and simplify their design and construction project management.
In this session, you'll learn how to:
- Share Documents Easily: Keep essential files organized and accessible.
- Validate Drawings Efficiently: Track and ensure drawing accuracy.
- Collaborate on Design Challenges: Address design issues in real-time.
- Estimate Costs Effectively: Use integrated tools for quick cost insights.
- Assemble Models Directly in Your Browser: Review 3D/2D models with ease.
What workflow challenges does your team face the most? Join this session with Catenda’s Chief Customer Officer and learn how to tackle the most common ones!
Benedetta Nadotti
Event Coordinator
Julien Benoit

Mastering BIM Collaboration: Top-Five Workflows