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11 days ago

Maximising Potential for Leaders with ADHD


Maximising Potential for Leaders with ADHD

With Ani Møller, AuDHD Leadership Coach

ADHD rates have doubled in Australia since the start of the pandemic. Many of us finally had a moment to pause and reflect, and with that came the realisation that we had ADHD all along, even if most of us didn’t know much about ADHD. We commonly hear about ADHD in children - but what if you’re a senior leader, just now realising that you have ADHD too?

People with ADHD struggle with cognitive processes called “Executive Functions”. Executive functions are the skills in our brains that help us achieve things and relate to people. They include short-term memory, attention, time management, and so on. People with ADHD often have rare skills in particular areas, but will also have difficulty managing certain executive functions.

People with ADHD are known for certain strengths - hyperfocus, creative thinking, and high performance under pressure. These are sought-after qualities, especially in a leader. However, someone with these strengths might be held back by how they perceive time, distractions, emotional regulation or what they hyperfocus on.

This webinar will talk about the challenges leaders with ADHD face, and some tips to help you maximise your strategic potential as a leader with ADHD.


Ani Møller

Ani Møller

Leadership and Life Coach

Ani Moller is an Executive Director turned Certified ADHD Life Coach. They were in their 40’s running an agency and multi-million dollar projects when they were diagnosed with ADHD and autism. They now help neurodivergent senior executives and professionals how to master stress management and free their creativity from corporate chaos.