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3 months ago

From hierarchy to agility: How to create engaged and high-performing teams


😤 Are you tired of disengagement, inefficient meetings, and rigid hierarchical structures undermining your organization? Well, you’re not the only one! 

More than 6 in 10 employees are currently disengaged at work, which accounts for a staggering $1.9 trillion in lost productivity 📉. This disengagement stems from a range of factors, including unclear roles and expectations, meaningless tasks, micromanagement, and information silos… 

The good news is: 🙅‍♂️ you don’t have to keep enduring all of this!

Every day, pioneers worldwide are transforming collaboration with innovative organizational models, designed to create more agile and purpose-driven companies.

🚀 Join us for an enlightening webinar to discover:

  • The advantages and limitations of traditional hierarchy, a 200-year-old model inherited from the Industrial Revolution
  • Holacracy, Teal, Agile, Constitutional Management... these new organizational models that have emerged over the last 50 years to reinvent work
  • Best practices and tools for successfully navigating the transition to a new organizational model

🔎 Two experts will show you the way:

  • Usarat Tuaichaona, Head of Sales of Talkspirit, a software publisher that helps support new organizational models and more collaborative workplaces
  • Louis Chiquet, Founder of Nova Consul, a management research institute and consulting firm specialized in implementing Holacracy and Constitutional Management

You’ll be able to ask them all your questions during an interactive Q&A session 💬.

What’s more, all attendees will receive our brand new ebook on organizational models 📖, packed with actionable strategies, experts insights and testimonials. Register now to secure your spot and receive this exclusive content!


Usarat Tuaichaona

Usarat Tuaichaona

Head of Sales of Talkspirit

Louis Chiquet

Louis Chiquet

Founder of Nova Consul