Endometriosis & your future fertility
Let's All Talk Endometriosis
Join us as we chat to Carla Cressy the founder of The Endometriosis Foundation, we will find out about her story and journey and what she is trying to achieve with her new charity . We will also be joined by the incredible Ms Srividya Seshardi MRCOG, MBBS, MD Head of Clinical Research, Consultant, who is also a trustee of The Endometriosis Foundation We will discuss future fertility options for endometriosis patients.
Srividya Seshadri
Miss Seshadri had successfully completed MD thesis on Reproductive Immunology at the University of Liverpool. She obtained her accreditation in Reproductive medicine and Surgery at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS University Hospital in London. In addition, she obtained accreditation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in London. On successful completion of Masters in medical ultrasound from Kings College London, she specialised in 3D scanning and performs certified procedures such as adept in 3D ultrasound, 3DSIS/3DHYCOSY and especially in Abdominal egg collection. She has trained many doctors for independent practice in 3D Hycosy/3 D scanning and vaginal egg collection. She is an honorary associate professor at University College London since 2019, supervisor for MsC students affiliated to UCLH and also teach regularly on MRCOG and HyCoSY courses. Ms Seshadri is the Head of clinical research and development, CRGH She is also the lead of the NHS services at CRGH Ms Seshadri is the lead for the Embryo transfer and IUI module for the British Fertility Society Miss Seshadri’s IVF sub-specialist with special interests in the following fields Preconceptual care (health, diet, nutrition, lifestyle) Recurrent Miscarriages. Recurrent Implantation failure Reproductive Endocrinology Reproductive Immunology Advanced maternal age and management Paternal age and its effect on IVF outcome Male infertility Recurrent implantation failures and previous Failed IVF cycles Genomics in reproductive medicine: PGT-A/M Fertility preservation : Social and Medical reasons Low ovarian reserve and management of poor ovarian response Reproductive health with a diagnosis of endometriosis and fertility preservation especially in severe endometriosis Miss Seshadri has been invited to speak as an expert on several of the above topics often at regional meetings, national and international conferences including India, America and Europe. Miss Seshadri has been invited to speak as an expert on several of the above topics often at regional meetings, national and international conferences including India, USA and Europe. She is a member of the Cochrane group and has contributed to Cochrane reviews.
Carla Cressy
Carla is the founder and the CEO of The Endometriosis Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to endometriosis awareness, education, and support. Carla spends the majority of her time helping others gain access to care and giving insight into the development of national health guidelines.
Endometriosis & your future fertility