Improving the Quality of Your Eggs and Sperm
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Rahi Victory
Improving the Quality of Your Eggs and Sperm
Hosted by Let's All Talk FertilityAbout
In this session we will be talking about the key factors that influence the quality of your eggs and sperm. Learn practical tips and lifestyle changes that can boost fertility and so whether you're trying to conceive naturally or preparing for fertility treatment, this session will provide the knowledge you need to optimise your reproductive health.
Rahi Victory
Dr. Rahi Victory is a Canadian trained obstetrician gynecologist with an American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology subspecialty in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. Dr. Victory is renowned for his compassionate, individualized patient plans and approach to care. His extensive experience combined with an avante-garde approach have placed Victory Reproductive Care at the forefront of fertility treatments and success including third party fertility services. Dr. Victory is passionate about making sure every experience is an exceptional one and to that end he meets with every client, every egg donor and every surrogate, himself. Our principles are science, technology, communication and compassion. Dr. Victory’s only goal is your success and satisfaction.