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9 months ago

A tour of Metabase: advanced


Join us for “A Tour of Metabase: advanced” session, where our Success Engineer Luis Paolini will show you around some advanced Metabase usage. This event will be valuable for people who already use Metabase, but want to deepen their knowledge.

During this event, we’ll cover:

  • Metabase API: building scripts to automate Metabase
  • Caching query results
  • Building models in Metabase
  • Data permissions: sandboxing and impersonation

Feel free to share what else you’re expecting to learn here.

RSVP now to join the live session.


Luis Paolini

Luis Paolini

Success Engineer, Metabase

Luis helps customers succeed with Metabase. In his spare time, he teaches Cloud architecture and CS at the Tech Institute of Buenos Aires (ITBA).