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about 1 year ago

Streamline Your CRM Migration with Tech Stack Mapping


Avoid headaches by understanding your data flow *before* the migration. 

Whether you're preparing for a CRM migration or looking to gain a deeper understanding of your data flow, tech stack mapping is the key to unlocking crucial insights for your business.

Join us for the first installment of our CRM Migration Prep series, where you'll learn: 

  • What a CRM is and some common times for a CRM migration
  • What a tech stack is and how to map your tech stack with a 3-step process
  • How to audit your tech stack
  • How to map data flows and connections
  • Strategies for a seamless integration
  • and more!

Don't miss out on the opportunity to equip your business with the necessary tools and knowledge for a successful CRM migration.

Reserve your spot now by completing the form.


Camille Balhorn

Camille Balhorn

HubSpot Strategist at Remotish

Camille is a HubSpot Strategist at Remotish (a HubSpot Diamond Solutions Partner for RevOps and WebOps) and a HubSpot Certified Trainer.

In those roles, she is the grand interpreter between your data, your tech, your revenue, your business goals, and HubSpot.

A wise and insightful HubSpot translator who harnesses her extensive HubSpot knowledge along with her finely-tuned eye for revenue operations optimizations to align your tech stack and processes so they’re all speaking the same language - the language of operational excellence.

A revenue cartographer, she is a wayfinder for her clients with her deft assessment of roadblocks as well as opportunities on the path toward your goals while steering your business toward the horizon.

Camille is featured in industry publications related to CRM migrations.

Adam Stahl

Adam Stahl

Sr. HubSpot Strategist at Remotish

Adam is a Sr. HubSpot Strategist at Remotish (a HubSpot Diamond Solutions Partner for RevOps and WebOps), the Producer of the HubSpot Academy Discovery Call Bootcamp, and a HubSpot Certified Trainer.

In those roles, he’s a sage sitting atop the HubSpot knowledge mountain sharing wisdom with those who seek it.

A HubSpot ringer that architects their way forward to marry HubSpot to their internal processes and goals.

He dives deep into HubSpot portals to carry out blueprints for success as well as uncover opportunities for optimization. All the while bringing the energy and enthusiasm of a golden retriever while a “DAD” sign hangs overhead.

Adam is also a Marketing Ops Professionals (MO Pros) Ambassador and his insights are featured in several industry publications and courses.