Spinverse webinar on CBE JU
Funding opportunities across diverse bio-based sectors
The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) continues to foster a sustainable, competitive bio-based industry in Europe with the announcement of its 2024 Annual Work Programme. The upcoming call for project proposals is set to allocate 213M€ across 18 different topics, aiming to stimulate innovation and growth within the circular bioeconomy. Join in to hear if the call topics for the different project types match with your R&D&I agenda for the upcoming years!
What’s in it for you? Let our experts walk you through the key points of CBE JU funding strategy and give practical tips and insights to successful applications.
For whom? Public or private organisations interested in learning more about the funding possibilities for CBE JU.
How? Online webinar with Q&A at the end. The webinar is held in English.
We specialise in various industries and funding instruments with years of experience in securing funding for our customers, identifying the right partners and bringing together ecosystems. Join online to learn from our experts!
Looking forward to seeing you at our free webinar to learn about the upcoming public funding opportunities with the CBE JU and how our team of experts at Spinverse can support you. See you online on 6.3.2024!
Jyrki Salmi
Senior Consultant
Expert in bio and circular economy and public funding with strong international experience in business opportunities in forestry, forest industry and green environment. Specialised in business strategies as well as project and programme planning, assessments and financing.
Kaisu Leppänen
Director, Bioeconomy
Bioeconomy team leader with wide experience from planning and managing different types of R&D&I activities from single company projects to large scale multi-party innovation programmes and ecosystems.