Spinverse webinar on Innovation Fund
The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for the demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies with the estimated budget of 38B€. But where to get started with your small-scale or large-scale project? If you want to learn more, read on!
We had as our guest a Swedish company **Stegra **(former H2 Green Steel) which was created in 2020 with the purpose to decarbonize hard-to-abate industry, starting with steel. We discussed with Stegra's Head of Public Funding Per Sonesson on their successful journey and how Innovation Fund acts as catalyst to their growth plans.
Spinverse specialises in various industries and funding instruments with years of experience in securing funding for our customers, identifying the right partners and bringing together ecosystems. Meet our Innovation Fund experts Elisabeth Packalén who will provide useful insights into Innovation Fund, and Magnus Andersson, who are sharing the best tips and some of pitfalls of funding applications!