Face Fit Testing

Face Fit Testing is a process for anyone who works in an environment where the use of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is necessary. It is designed to ensure that this equipment is properly fitted and achieves an adequate seal.
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) requires wearers of tight-fitting RPE to be face-fit tested, using a suitable method, by a competent person. It also requires wearers to be clean shaven in the area of the face seal when using tight-fitting RPE. This includes RPE provided for escape purposes and for use by ERT (Emergency Response Teams).
This free webinar will be led by Paul Chamberlain, Fit2Fit Accredited Face Fit Tester and RPE Trainer at We Fit RPE Ltd. It is designed to provide attendees with information on why face fit testing is so important and what ‘good’ looks like.
Paul Chamberlain
Fit2Fit Accredited Face Fit Tester and RPE Trainer at We Fit RPE Ltd

Face Fit Testing