Mining for the Future: Addressing ESG and responsible sourcing in the mining industry

Increasing mandatory reporting and regulation requirements are changing the way business is conducted and activities are reported. For this webinar Diginex will bring mining professionals together with ESG and responsible sourcing experts for a conversation to understand current trends, what a day in their shoes looks like, and discuss how to close the gap between reporting and making an impact.
Focus areas / topics covered:
- Mandatory ESG and supply chain regulations for mining companies
- Underscore the importance of tangible action beyond ESG reporting to drive meaningful change in the mining industry.
- Deep dive into the complexities of ethical supply chain management, specifically human rights considerations.
- Opportunities for technology to drive transparency in human rights due diligence and efficiency in reporting.
Goal: Audience members will gain clarity on ESG reporting standards available in the mining sector, types of human rights issues at ground level and the gaps between reporting and reality.
Structure: Moderated panel chat
Ola Dickinson
Manager Responsible Sourcing
Luke Smitham
Senior Manager
Kumi Consulting
Jessica Camus-Demarche
Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at Diginex
Emily Day
Global Sustainability Specialist
Markus Selkirk
Global ESG & Sustainability Reporting Specialist

Mining for the Future: Addressing ESG and responsible sourcing in the mining industry