Direct Booking US Taxes Q&A - January 21, 2025

Join us for a special Direct US Taxes Q&A webinar on January 21 at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET with the Hospitable Direct team and Amanda Han from Keystone CPA.
We'll be covering off what you need to know about your 2024 direct booking earnings and the tax forms you can expect to receive from Hospitable.
Previously, our payments service provider issued 1099-K forms. This year, Hospitable will manage the process directly and report transactions on the date the funds were paid out to you.
This session is focused on direct booking taxes in the USA only.
Register to attend live and receive the recording in your inbox.
Amanda Han
Managing Director, Keystone CPA
Amanda Han & Matt MacFarland are CPAs and tax strategists who specialize in helping people use real estate to save massive amounts in taxes and keep their hard earned money. They help educate investors on how to maximize tax write-offs, legal entity strategies, tax-efficient ways to access profit, how to use 401K money for real estate, and much more.
They are authors of the highly rated book Tax Strategies for the Savvy Real Estate Investor and they have been featured in prominent publications including the Forbes Finance Council, Money Magazine, Talks at Google, CNBC’s Smart Money Talk Radio as well as the BiggerPockets podcasts.
Today, Amanda & Matt have helped thousands of investors nationwide to save on taxes with proactive tax planning.
Abby Grous
Senior Product Manager, Hospitable
Matt MacFarland
Managing Director, Keystone CPA

Direct Booking US Taxes Q&A - January 21, 2025