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GT Leasing - A Security vulnerability ?

P1 Security



Join us to be part of the conversation around GT Leasing security and business impacts for Mobile Network Operators.

Philippe Langlois, Founder & CEO of P1 Security, and Stephen Ornadel, Senior Consultant at Symmetry Solutions, Former VP – Telecom Security Solutions at Mobileum, Chairman of the GT Leasing Task Force for GSMA and telecom security veteran, will discuss the threats and challenges from GT Leasing and how MNO's should protect their subscribers and revenue from bad actors.

Don’t miss this essential session with two of the brightest minds in the field.


Philippe Langlois

Philippe Langlois

Founder & CEO

Founder of P1 Security, telecom and IT security expert, and pioneer in the field, with a track record of founding successful companies like Qualys and Intrinsec.

Stephen Ornadel

Stephen Ornadel

Chairman of the GT Leasing Task Force

Executive Leader in the Telecom Industry for more than 20 years, senior Consultant at Symmetry Solutions, former VP – Telecom Security Solutions at Mobileum, and current chairman of the GT Leasing Task Force. He is one of the main instigator of the GT Leasing Code of Conduct from GSMA.

GT Leasing - A Security vulnerability ?

