💡 Arrows deep-dive: Navigating plans with multiple stakeholders

Join us for a 30-minute session on managing onboarding plans with multiple stakeholders using Arrows custom roles.
What we'll cover:
- Introduction to custom roles in Arrows
- Setting up and customizing roles for both internal teams and customers
- Efficient task assignment using role placeholders in templates
- Dynamic internal role assignment using HubSpot user properties
- Best practices around assigning tasks to participants in Arrows
The session will conclude with a Q&A to go over any specific questions you might have!
Note: Custom roles are a Pro tier feature, but all Arrows users are welcome to join to learn more about managing multiple stakeholders during onboarding.
Can't attend live? Register anyway, and we'll send you the recording when we wrap up.
Shareil Nariman
Head of Customer Experience
Kim Hacker
Head of Business Operations

💡 Arrows deep-dive: Navigating plans with multiple stakeholders