The Operational Analytics Club
The Operational Analytics Club
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over 1 year ago

Data enrichment: How to implement and utilize 3rd party data in your data warehouse


A typical data warehouse is filled with all the data your business generates from various SaaS tools (1st party data). Technology has made it easier to consume external data sources (third party data), and the process of integrating additional information into existing datasets is called data enrichment.

Enriching your data with third party data is very valuable in building a single source of truth in the data warehouse. Ella Runciman will be sharing her experience with data enrichment in this live workshop, where she’ll go over:

  • An overview of data enrichment
  • The types of data enrichment
  • How data enrichment has changed over the years (and its business value)
  • Hands-on examples of how to implement data enrichment in your organization

This is a live event, and all attendees are encouraged to ask questions. Ella will be available to answer your questions throughout the workshop.

Register by filling out the form 👉


Ella  Runciman

Ella Runciman

Data Engineer @ 1Password