The Operational Analytics Club
The Operational Analytics Club
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about 1 year ago

Panel: How do data people get promoted?


Data professionals usually don’t have a clear path to career advancement.

In fact, according to data from our 2023 Data Community Survey, only 30% say they have a clear growth path in place. And when they are denied a promotion? The top reason for a rejected promotion is that there's no process in place for data professionals -- leaving them to believe it's a lack of personal advocacy holding them back.

Join us at 10 am PT on August 17 as Census Sr. Data Community Advocate Jeff Sloan sits down with three data experts (Brian Sirovetz, data engineering manager @ Electric; Ella Runciman, data engineer @ 1Password; Jessica Larson, sr. software engineer, data platforms @ Pinterest) to discuss the takeaways of the Community Survey and answer questions around:

1. How data practitioners can find career support if their org is lacking

2. How organizations can better support data career growth

3. What blocks data practitioners from getting promoted

4. What skills and outcomes get the most recognition from managers and stakeholders alike

5. How mentorship and coaching impact career development and earnings

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Jeff Sloan

Jeff Sloan

Sr. Data Community Advocate @ Census

Brian  Sirovetz

Brian Sirovetz

Data Engineering Manager @ Electric

Ella  Runciman

Ella Runciman

Data Engineer @ 1Password

Jessica Larson

Jessica Larson

Author, Snowflake Access Control

Former sr. software engineer, data platform @ Pinterest