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7 months ago

Redefining Retail: Adore Me's Innovative Leap from B2C to Wholesale


The world of retail is changing.

Faced with the unique challenges of inflation, an unstable economic climate, and technology being developed at an unprecedented rate, businesses are being forced to adapt.

Enter: Adore Me. An innovative, sustainable, human-first brand that is a success story of making bold business moves to the Nth degree.

In 45 minutes with VP of Strategy Ranjan Roy, we will break down their move from Direct-to-Consumer sales to a strategic development into wholesale and discuss:

  • The landscape and upcoming trends of retail in 2024
  • Current challenges the fashion sector is facing
  • How moving from D2C to B2B was a strategic choice for Adore Me
  • Insights & best practices for traditional B2C companies moving into B2B

💡 Learn more about our guest:

🎤 Your host:


Patricia Seidel

Patricia Seidel

Head of Content @DJUST

Ranjan Roy

Ranjan Roy

VP of Strategy @Adore me