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over 1 year ago

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring In Spain


Are you struggling to navigate the complex world of international hiring? More than ever before, companies are turning to Spain to find their next all-star team member.

In our upcoming webinar, "The Ultimate Guide to Hiring in Spain", we'll uncover what makes Spain so attractive for employers and why the world’s top tech talent are increasingly calling Spain home.

Our panel of talent acquisition and hiring experts at Figures, Oyster, and Circular will guide you through the ins and outs of the Spanish job market. In this webinar, we’ll dive into:

  • Why Spain is becoming a popular hiring destination
  • Sourcing great talent in Spain
  • Compensation and pay
  • How to set up a remote employee in Spain and why it's easier than you may think!

So whether you're an HR professional looking to expand your country knowledge, a talent leader in search of your next global team member, or a business owner looking to grow and expand your European footprint, join us on April 18th to discover all that the Spanish market has to offer.


Virgile Raingeard

Virgile Raingeard

CEO @ Figures

Virgile a passé 11 années à travailler dans les RH, dans des organisations de tailles et d'industries diverses, dont 3 ans chez Criteo en tant que DRH pour les fonctions Tech (FR/US - 800 ETP). Au cours de ses deux dernières années en tant que VP People d'une start-up post Series-A, comet, il s'est senti frustré par le manque de données qualitatives et fiables sur le marché de la rémunération dans l'écosystème des start-up/scale-up.

Il a décidé de s'attaquer à ce problème avec Bastien Formery, son co-fondateur, en créant Figures, la plateforme de gestion de la rémunération utilisée par plus de 1200 entreprises à travers l'Europe.

Cristina Sciortino

Cristina Sciortino

Hiring Success Lead, Oyster

Pedro Torrecillas

Pedro Torrecillas

Co-Founder & CEO, Circular