Let's All Talk Mental Health
Let's All Talk Mental Health
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29 days ago

Why does my teen hate me so much?


We talk to Clinical Psychologist, Dr Sarah-Jane Knight about how to handle a teen who is determined to treat you as their enemy. We will be discussing...

How do you handle difficult teenage behaviours such as arguing, swearing, moodiness or angry outbursts?

How do you know whether this is part of teen development or a sign that they are struggling with their mental health.

What do you do with a teen who regularly tells you they hate you?

Top tips to have conversations with them when they are breaking all the rules.

How can you support yourself and the family through these disruptions?


Sarah-Jane Knight

Sarah-Jane Knight


Dr Sarah-Jane Knight is our in-house clinical psychologist, expert and host. She has worked in outpatient and inpatient services within the NHS and CAMHS for many years and has gone on to establish Commune Psychology with a focus on helping adolescents suffering with their mental health.