Let's All Talk Mental Health
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17 days ago

Difficult Conversations with a Teen (including Teens who Shut you Out)


We all know that some conversations with your teenager are essential, but how can you get your message across when your teen doesn’t want to listen, no matter how hard you try?

The teenage years can be both glorious and painful, as you watch your children emerge into their newly formed adult selves. Don’t lose hope, with the help of Dr. Bettina Hohnen, there is a way to reach them, even if when they try to shut you down.

Bettina, co-author of the acclaimed book, "How to Have Incredible Conversations with your Child" will share her advice on how to encourage your teen to listen to adult perspective and offer some tips and hints on how to build better relationships with your teens through the art of conversation.


Bettina Hohnen

Bettina Hohnen


Dr Bettina Hohnen is a clinical psychologist, author and educator working with children, young people and families.

For the past 20 years Bettina has combined her academic and clinical work, specialising in child mental health and neurodiversity, and delivers powerful, evidence based interventions for parents, teachers and young people who are struggling.

Bettina is the author of the award winning best seller ‘The Incredible Teenage Brain: Everything You Need to Unlock Your Teen’s Potential’ with Jane Gilmour and Tara Murphy. She is also the co-author of 'How to Have Incredible Conversations with Your Child. A Collaborative Workbook for Parents, Carers and Children to Encourage Meaningful Communication'. The books help adults understand teenagers and explores how to create an environment to protect young people, with practical advice on how to make the most of the enormous potential of the teenage brain.