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8 days ago

Instant payments and beyond: the path to ever-compliance


Starting January 2025, all European banks must support receiving SEPA instant payments. By October 2025, they must support Verification of Payee and sending instant payments.

Complying with these new requirements monopolises most bank tech and product resources. Between PSD2, this Instant Payments Regulation, and the upcoming PSD3 and PSR, the regulatory pace is intense. It leaves banks limited with few resources to innovate, improve the customer experience, and build value on top of the introduced changes.

Building from the right IT architecture changes the equation.

In this webinar, hosted by Simon Taylor, our expert panel will discuss how to comply with the upcoming Instant Payments Regulation and the next ones without renouncing innovation:

  • Summary of the Instant Payments Regulation and its impacts on banks
  • How to comply on time
  • Beyond instant payments: shifting IT resources from regulatory catch-up to innovation in the SEPA area

Join us along with our outstanding panel:

  • Simon Taylor (moderator), writer at Fintech Brain Food
  • Sylvie Calsacy, Lead Payments at OnePoint
  • Puneet Khanna, VP of Solution Consulting at Tuum
  • Édouard Mandon, Co-founder and CEO at Numeral