Rally UXR
Rally UXR
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3 months ago

External Panel Recruitment Launch Party


Announcing the Ultimate Recruitment Duo: Rally and Respondent!

Join us on July 30th for our external panel launch event where CEOs Oren Friedman (Rally UXR) and Jack Pratten (Respondent) will be walking through the integration and what it unlocks for organizations that value User Research and the voice of the customer. 

✅ Register now to join us for an exciting discussion:

🛠️ Live demo to see how you can recruit from Respondent’s panel without leaving Rally 

🏊 Get a deep dive into Respondent’s pool of participants and see which personas you can target using job title, industry, skills, demographics, location, and more. 

🔥 Ask Me Anything (AMA) segment where Rally champions will share their experience setting up their first study using External Panel Recruitment.

Submit your questions to our panelists to get them answered live!


👉Rally’s Research Operations Platform is the premier solution for research teams aiming to automate their research processes safely and at scale, now with the ability to recruit from Respondent’s diverse panel of over 3 million active participants.


Oren Friedman

Oren Friedman

CEO & Co-founder at Rally

Jack Pratten

Jack Pratten

CEO & Founder at Respondent.io

Sydney Lawson

Sydney Lawson

Product Marketing Manager @ Rally