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3 months ago

Fill your summer content plan without breaking a sweat


Vacation times are ahead of us. Offices get empty and beaches more crowded, but social media never takes a break. Consistency in your content distribution is crucial, but we all know that planning in advance takes effort.

So why is it so hard to just start plotting out ideas? Well, hand up if you recognize any of these reasons:

  • It’s scary and hard to think of all that content in advance
  • Where do I start? How should I organize the thing?
  • I can fill out the plan, but it’s so tough to actually follow through!

Want to get over all of these excuses and smash your plan out in no time?

Join Heidi Bordal, our expert on all things social at Storykit, for an actionable 40 min session where she will show you exactly how to use the content you’ve already got to fill your plan well in advance and easily deliver on all those plans.

You will learn

  • How to align your plan with business goals (hello results!)
  • How to create new content from old content (no more staying late!)
  • How to set up a planning sheet that’s easy to maintain and follow

After the webinar we’ll send you:

  • An access link to repurpose your content into videos using Storykit
  • Any resources mentioned during the session
  • A link to join our Facebook community to get ideas and help with your content


Heidi Bordal

Heidi Bordal

Community & Event Manager at Storykit

Hi, I'm Heidi, Community & Event Manager at Storykit. In my bi-weekly webinar series, I share insights, tips and tricks and inspiration about content distribution, social media, and everything in between. Welcome to join me!