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Mastering Sustainability with diginexESG and diginexADVISORY




Learn more about diginexESG and diginexADVISORY services in our upcoming diginexWEBINAR.

  • Discover how diginexESG can elevate your ESG reporting, providing you with a comprehensive platform to measure, manage, and communicate your ESG performance effectively. From GRI to SASB, and beyond, our platform offers access to 15 ESG frameworks - not to mention Universal Materiality Assessment and Entity management reporting capabilities.
  • With diginexADVISORY, we take your sustainability initiatives to the next level. Our experts will guide you through the world of sustainability strategy, offering strategic consultations and practical recommendations.

Whether you're new to ESG or looking to improve your current processes, join us to discover the tools and knowledge you need to make a lasting impact.

Our experts will share valuable insights, success stories, and best practices during the upcoming webinar on the 26th of October.

Register NOW!


Josh Hannon

Josh Hannon

Global Head of Sales

Gerard Coenen Gajardo

Gerard Coenen Gajardo

Head of ESG Advisory

Ronald Kohn

Ronald Kohn

Head of Product

Mastering Sustainability with diginexESG and diginexADVISORY

