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Transform your internal hiring strategy with Alva

Alva Labs



40% of internal hires fail. Why do so many employers, armed with detailed information about their employees, still end up making poor hiring decisions?

At Alva, we’ve been combing through research to understand better what is happening here. While there is plenty of literature on external hiring, information on internal hiring is rare. We’ve set out to change this.

In this webinar, Alva’s Senior Customer Success Manager, Anna Brodin, will show you how to use Alva to transform your internal hiring from just another source of hire into your strategic advantage.

Learn about:

✅ Why companies get internal hiring wrong

✅ Top talent tactics for achieving internal recruiting success

✅ How to use Alva’s candidate assessment tool for internal hiring

Give us forty-five minutes, and we’ll tell you everything you need ‌to know to succeed with internal recruitment using Alva.

*This event will be held in English *🇬🇧


Anna Brodin

Anna Brodin

Lic. Psychologist, Senior Customer Success Manager, Alva Labs

Transform your internal hiring strategy with Alva

